Thursday, January 24, 2019

Tips to write a reflective Journals? follow us at

Reflective journals are described as the personal records of learners’ experiences while learning. Students make reflective journals when they are typically asked by their instructors to record learning-related incidents, sometimes during the learning process and sometimes when it happens in reality.

In reflective journal writing a student’s writing style for journals and logs can be informal and sometimes inappropriate. However, students needs to  learn more about a particular subject or content, which can help students to write more formal entries using correct terminology, facts, and connections to course content.

Analysis of learning incidents

One need to work through the event in four stages on the template:
1. Situation
2. Affect
3. Interpretation
4. Decision

1. Situation:  One Critical Learning Event needs to be chosen which seems to be most noteworthy. At this stage one hast to write what actually happened –just facts. One has to be concise, and write as much as one feel need to. Incidents may vary in complexity and depth.

2. Affect: One should think about the event and how it has affected personally. This feeling could be positive or negative. One might have felt frustrated, confused, angry, elated, relieved.

3. Interpretation: One should think and then explain in what ways the new knowledge either confirms or contradicts your previous learning, theories, or understanding gained in university.

4. Decision: It is useless if one learn learning something and don’t store it for future use. So what decision did you make to help you in future? What will you do better in future? For example, you might take more time over planning something, ask more questions, ask the right questions, ask the right person or do it exactly the same if it went well.

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Saturday, January 12, 2019

How to Write a Research Proposal? follow us at

A research proposal is a brief summary of your study. It illustrates the prime issues and questions that you want to address in your research. It describes your topic and outlines the area of your study.
In a research proposal, several sections are included. This article will explore the first few sections of the research proposal and will highlight its importance.

The introduction section of the research proposal provides the readers with the background of the research. It illustrates the framework and depicts the purpose of the research. It lays the foundation for the discussion of the research problem. It builds interest and reaches out to a specific audience. By appropriately introducing the topic of study and aligning it with the theory or line of inquiry, the reader is able to familiarize the readers with the different sections of the research proposal.

The statement of the problem section explains the context of the study and it also identifies the general analysis approach. It provides a discussion on the conceptual or theoretical framework which is necessary for the creation of the study. It is important that your problem statement must stand out, discuss the reason for conducting research and is easily understood by the readers.

The purpose of the study section provides a synopsis of the objectives of your study. It defines the specific area of your research and explains specific information in detail. It incorporates the rationale of your study and identifies the unit of analysis and classifies the central concepts used in the study. 

The research question section delves on the topic of your research. It states the relationship between two or more variables in a question format. It can come in form of hypothesis which is a declarative statement that links the variables together. The research question depends on specific factors such as the purpose of the study, nature of the design, methodology and research audience.

The research design section is the heart of the research proposal. It reveals the methodological steps you will take to answer each question and test the hypothesis illustrated in the questions or hypotheses section. It demarcates the variables and recognizes sources of error which your research design is exposed to. It uses various tools in methodology such as sampling method, instrumentation procedure and data collection and analysis techniques to acquire apposite findings. 
The limitation and delimitation section identifies the weakness of the study. It analyzes the instruments, samples, and tools used in the study. It discusses the threats to the internal validity of the research and solutions to avoid or minimize those threats. This section also addresses the narrow scope of the study and explains the aspects that were not chosen as a research material in the study.

The significance of the study section will expound on the process on how the research will improve, enhance and expound on the area that is under investigation. It will state the refinements, revisions, and connections that it will have on theory and methods incorporated in the study. It will shed light on the benefits that the study will have on future researches. It will take into account the results of the theoretical framework, suggestions for current and future research, contribution to the academic society, influences on the programs, interventions utilized in the proposal, educational policy decisions, and improvements in the research study with different kinds of innovations.

Other sections that may be part of the research proposal is the review of related literature and references. The researcher, depending on his guidelines, can incorporate these sections and the ones mentioned above. The whole process can be a tedious and time-consuming one. In order for you to write a good research proposal, you need to do adequate research accompanied with great writing skills. With our expert researchers and writers, we create unique and innovative solutions for you. We customize your work according to your requirements and guarantee that we will produce unique, original, authentic and plagiarism-free content for you.

To know more about our services, call us on 043554850 or leave an inquiry at

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